Learn to Paint - Invest in Your Life
Learn how to paint
Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor & Pastel
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Online Academy
Building Blocks
Student Comments
"There’s no
way your
paintings can’t
improve after
this course"
"I’ve been painting on my own for a while and thought I was doing okay. Now that I’m taking this course I see so many things I can learn from that will make my work so much better. This is the stuff you can’t get in art school anymore, sadly. There’s no way your paintings can’t improve after this course. That’s how strongly I feel about it." ... Bob Akers., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

"...really superb"

"I find your courses really superb in two ways: first they are very complete and comprehensive, and second they go straight to the point, to the essentials. Both my wife and I paint and we both agree that these art instruction courses are one of the best sources of education for people who want to learn to paint in a direct or alla prima style" Bernado Martin, Alicante, Spain.

Erika is
her dream
"This course is truly well run, professionally handled -- and I can only echo the great comments of other students: I am glad, I enrolled in this course!! I got so much out of it already -- lots of explanations, areas to study up on, other artists to learn from. AND I am not at the end of the course, yet. I am getting more and more confident and bold enough to follow my dream -- to become a proficient and sensitive artist. Erika, USA, 2009
"...already noticed
in my work"
"In my opinion, your material is the best I have found. It builds the basics, from the ground up, recognizing that there are no short cuts.....Your course puts all the right info into one package, and even more important, it gives me an organized, building block way to get these things into my head, and I have already noticed an improvement in my work," George, USA
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The Full Academy Course

Full Academy Course
The full course in a single purchase.
What is included in the
Full Academy Course?
The Full Academy Course gives you a complete program of self-study art lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced artists. The 192 lessons cover all the basic foundation and advanced topics to build your skills in oil painting, acrylic painting, watercolor painting and pastels.
Buy a membership and immediately
receive access to all of the following:
192 Self-Study Painting Lessons
  Information Map® layout
PDF format
Each course is in Adobe Reader PDF format (what is PDF?) so you can download and read them on your computer, or you can print them out on your home printer to use in your studio. You can put the printouts into a binder and if you get paint on a page, don't worry, unlike a book you can easily print out a clean copy!

The Full Course units include:
a step-by-step series of lessons and assignments to gradually build your skills in painting, so you learn better and do not get frustrated by a lack of progress, and advanced topics that are not talked about in commercial "how to" art books
all the important and useful information gathered over the years from the author's personal library of over a hundred art books including many out-of-print and impossible to find books by the old masters
all the tips and tricks the author has learned during his years of study with master artists


935 printable pages of
painting instruction in
easy to read format.
  Each art course unit contains about 15 - 20 pages of information, and each lesson guides you through a specific topic, in a special easy-to-read proprietary format called Information Maps®.
340 Assignments
  Each art course unit contains four to ten learning assignments to help you practice and assimilate the information. If you follow them as directed you will soon notice a change in your art work.
Free Monthly Course Updates
  All updates to our course materials while you are a member.
"The material is very well presented and easy to understand - no lengthy explanations but short and condensed paragraphs with a load of very valuable information. Along with plenty of illustrations, this makes it a fun and easy study."
"This course is truly well run, professionally handled -- and I can only echo the great comments of other students: I am glad, I enrolled in this course!! I got so much out of it already -- lots of explanations, areas to study up on, other artists to learn from. AND I am not at the end of the course, yet. I am getting more and more confident and bold enough to follow my dream -- to become a proficient and sensitive artist."
Building Blocks
The Full Academy Course gives you all 9 Visual Music & Poetry Building Blocks
- a lifetime's worth of painting knowledge and techniques you won't find anywhere else. Click on the following links to learn about each building block:
Full Course Lessons
The Full Academy Course gives you four years' worth of lessons covering all the material in the 9 Full Academy Building Blocks - painting knowledge & techniques you won't find anywhere else. You will get all these painting lesson course units for oil painting, acrylic painting, and watercolor painting:

A01 What Are Values?
A02 Creating A Value Scale
A03 Comparing Values
A04 Posterizing Images
A05 What Is Notan
A06 Creating A Two-Value Mass Notan
A07 Dominant Values
A08 Creating A Three-Value Mass Notan
A09 How To Match Values
A10 Color Mixing For Beginners
A11 How To Match Colors
A12 Creating A Color Map

B01 Visual Music & Poetry
B02 Shape Distinction
B03 Unequal Space Division
B04 Cropping A View
B05 How To Paint A Four-Value Study
B06 What Is Saturation?
B07 How To Make Grays
B08 Outdoor Color Studies
B09 Reference Values
B10 Hue, Temperature & Munsell Notation
B11 What Are Complements?
B12 Drawing Triangles

C01 Drawing The Envelope
C02 How To Use Biases
C03 Color Block Studies - High Saturation
C04 Levels And Plumb Lines
C05 Drawing Hand Position
C06 Developing Your Creativity: Exploratory Scribbles
C07 Creating A Four-Value Mass Notan
C08 Five-Value Studies
C09 Focal Point And Focal Area
C10 Secondary Focal Area
C11 Informal Subdivision
C12 Inequality

D01 Two-Value Statement
D02 Tangents And Boundaries
D03 Saturation Scales
D04 Contrast Of Saturation
D05 Contrast Of Light And Dark
D06 Directing Lines
D07 Organizational Structures
D08 Atmospheric Value Changes
D09 Atmospheric Hue Changes
D10 Alla Prima Painting Process Part One
D11 Alla Prima Painting Process Part Two
D12 Color Evaluation

E01 Dull Primary Palette
E02 Shape Simplification
E03 Contour Notan
E04 Golden Section
E05 Vivid Primary Palette
E06 Atmospheric Saturation Changes
E07 Gesture Drawing
E08 Baselines
E09 Seven Value Study
E10 Vertical Value Changes in the Sky
E11 Linking Lights
E12 Linking Darks

F01 Earth Palettes
F02 Glass Drawing
F03 Baselines & Ground Contours
F04 Simplifying Complex Forms
F05 Brushwork Variety
F06 Thick & Thin
F07 Point, Line, Mass
F08 Working Large to Small
F09 Warm Cool Primary Palette plus grays
F10 Vertical Hue Changes in the Sky
F11 Block Studies - Low Saturation
F12 Diminishing Size and Receding Lines

G01 Counterchange
G02 Alternating Lights and Darks
G03 Spotting
G04 Keys
G05 Complementary Palettes
G06 Dark Accents
G07 Planes of the Light & Shade
G08 Quick Sketch Technique
G09 General to Specific
G10 Descriptive Brushwork
G11 Overlapping Forms
G12 Description of Texture

H01 Matching Music & Poetry
H02 Brushwork in Focal Areas
H03 Focal Areas and Space Division
H04 Contrast of Shape
H05 Balanced Color Harmonies
H06 Contrast of Warm/Cool
H07 Contrast of Brushwork
H08 Active & Passive Mix
H09 Concepts
H10 Contour Drawing
H11 Complementary Color Harmony
H12 Right Angles & Tie Together

I01 Squaring Off Forms
I02 Tertiary and Tetrad Color Harmonies
I03 Measurement & Midpoints
I04 High Saturation Still Life
I05 Emotion in Your Work
I06 Split Complementary Harmonies
I07 Contrast of Size
I08 Straight Line Approximation
I09 Contrast of Line
I10 Rhythm Lines
I11 Geometric Forms & Trees
I12 Clouds

J01 Gradation & Edge Notans
J02 Drawing Ellipses and Cylinders
J03 Spectrum Palettes
J04 Advanced Pigments and Colors
J05 Perspective
J06 Fog
J07 Low Saturation Still Life
J08 Still Life Planes
J09 Eye Pathways
J10 Repeating Color Spots
J11 Vanishing Points on Slopes
J12 Guiding Lights & Darks

K01 Saturation Changes on Forms
K02 Using a Black Mirror
K03 Contrast of Texture
K04 Oriental Contour Notan
K05 Glazing
K06 More Color Changes in Skies
K07 Low Saturation Fields
K08 Scumbling
K09 Complementary Contrast
K10 Color in Half Tones
K11 Moonlight
K12 Constant Value Color Scales

L01 Mass Drawing Procedure
L02 Learning Composition
L03 Suggestive Brushwork
L04 Tints & Shades
L05 Linear Drawing Procedure
L06 Transparent Buildup
L07 Reflected Light Outdoors
L08 Godlove's Principle
L09 Hard & Soft Edges
L10 Cast Shadows
L11 Dark, Light, Gray and Middle Values
L12 Narrative, Complex & Message

M01 Flattening Values
M02 Middle Values and Value Compression
M03 Interrelationship of Line
M04 Subordination & Relationship
M05 How to Create a Concept
M06 Brushwork Techniques
M07 Oceans & Lakes
M08 Painting Movement
M09 Analogous Color Harmonies
M10 Hybrid Analogous Color Harmonies
M11 Simplifying Paintings
M12 Perspective Centers

N01 Itness
N02 Tree Masses
N03 Tree Trunks & Branches
N04 Buildings
N05 Rocks
N06 Counterpoint
N07 Lost & Found Edges
N08 Edge Colors
N09 Reflections
N10 Luster
N11 Mono & Poly-Isochromes
N12 Tonal Influence

O01 Isolation
O02 More Organizational Structures
O03 Street Perspective
O04 Brushwork Perspective
O05 Student Critiques
O06 Spacing Vertical and Horizontal Objects in Perspective
O07 Drawing Arches
O08 Shape Rhythm
O09 Iridescence
O10 Color Threads
O11 Color Bridges
O12 Nine-Pile Variations

P01 Colored Light Sources
P02 Making Whites Glow and Keying Whites
P03 Luminosity
P04 Rabatment of the Rectangle
P05 Atmospheric Perspective Evaluation
P06 Complementary Optical Color Mixing
P07 Triadic Optical Color Mixing
P08 Camouflage
P09 Analogous Color Mixing
P10 Multicolored Brushstrokes
P11 Layered Washes
P12 Graceful Line

Audrey H
"I have been working my way through the apprentice program slowly - painting, thinking, looking. I find it straight forward and practical. It is full of essential information on techniques and materials that you won’t find elsewhere, certainly not scattered at various sites on the internet! My husband is an amateur photographer and also has used concepts from this excellent course. I find the photos of paintings placed throughout the course "worth a thousand words" because as artists we remember things better when we have visualized them. Painting is a complex endeavor! No wonder it is a life-long pursuit. With the help of these logically presented courses, you can’t help but make progress in your art work. I highly recommend them."
How much does this all cost?
Tuition and fees for an Art Academy such as the Master of Fine Art program at the Academy of Art University San Francisco for a will cost you $20,797 per year.

If you travel a long distance to learn from a top professional painter, a week-long workshop will cost between $1,800 and $2,500 including tuition, travel, food, and lodging.
How does it work?
Buy Membership
  Academy membership costs $79 USD per month and gives you a private account on our online campus where you can access our lessons, assignments & and chat with our online community. Access to the online campus means you can upload your assignments and share them with other students from across the world, as well as access to supplemental learning materials such as videos and examples. You can cancel your membership at any time.
No Risk Trial
There are no commitments to the Painting Academy. You can cancel at any time, there are no contracts. You're free to go, free to stay.
Get started today
 Full Membership $79usd/month
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